Friday, March 28, 2014

High Five for Friday

Welcome to Friday, y'all! Phew, it's been a long week here, in Raleigh! So glad we finally made it to our favorite day of the week. Today, I'm linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for High Five Friday! She has a wonderful lifestyle blog that's down to Earth and very easy to read.

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1. Monday I had a doctor's appointment that confirmed what I'd been thinking- I'm having my fourth knee surgery, but only the first on my right knee, in April. I know it will suck for a few days, and make my gym time only the stationary bike and weight training for a while, but hopefully it will set me on the right track to feel better during my workouts and moving around, in general. It's going to be good to focus on weightlifting, because I need to learn more about how to do this and incorporate it more into my routine.

...a recent workout. notice how my time/mile ratio is horrible. I was on pace with 2 13-minute miles until my knees were too in trouble to run...

2. Wednesday night was graduation dinner for the Spring 2014 class of the NC State College of Textiles. Seeing all of these young adults and realizing this will be 4th graduation I've planned made me feel old. (It's already been 5 years since I should have graduated in Spring 2009.)

3. Speaking of feeling old, my "little" cousin went to her boyfriend's high school prom last night. She looked SO grown up and SO beautiful that I can't imagine she is the same person I held in my arms just hours after she was born on October 14, 1995. CRAZY stuff, I tell 'ya!

4. Yesterday evening, I got to meet my friend, Averi's, new baby girl. Averi and I were in Pi Beta Phi together in school and little GM is just the CUTEST and tiniest little thing you ever did see. Averi and her husband, Grant, have such a charming 1950s home and I was grateful to be welcomed in to meet the new littlest family member. While little GM got some really cute Easter shoes, I baked mom and dad a cake!

5. Last night, walking around Michael's for over an hour, I confirmed something else I've really known for a while- I have SERIOUS craft store ADD shopping. Y'all, this should be a true disorder listed with the American Psychiatric Association. I'm currently working to plan and craft for a bachelorette night out for a friend and having 16532 different projects running through your head at once with 864 different ways to accomplish each one releases the ADD shopper and perfectionist crafter in me. It's sure to be a damned good party on April 26.

...some inspiration found on Pinterest for Bachelorette crafting!...

So, what have y'all been up to this week? Anything big or exciting? Also, if you have come here via The Sweet Mash, welcome! And thanks to Madison!


1 comment:

  1. Craft supply ADD is a very real thing. I can't even go into Hobby Lobby anymore without a list and I have to keep my head down and just walk to where I need to be.
    Have a good weekend!
